What we do at school!

Below are brief descriptions of what we focus on in our classes. In addition to the academic and social learning that we do, our days are integrated with jewish culture and values. Shabbat is celebrated every Friday, with much singing, challah and often a visit from the Rabbi. Jewish holidays are learned about and celebrated, and jewish values are taught and encouraged. The children learn what it is to be jewish and to extend that feeling to Israel and the world around them.

Mommy & Me (Application)

Our Mommy & Me classes are designed to engage mom and child in a fun and mutually benificial program. Children are fascinated by the songs and activities, and the mom’s share ideas and thier successes with other mom’s. Everyone benefits from the experience in child appropriate practices and advice. Crafts, songs, snack and play are always included in the hour and a half class.
We have classes for babies, toddlers and those ready to transition. Contact the school for a current schedule.

Terrific Two’s

Our youngest students are welcomed into their new environment with love and warmth to help transition them to the independence they are capable of. Play, circle time and projects are part of the everyday curriculum. Children develop self help skills and independence, as well as social and fine motor skills throughout the course of the year. Potty trained is not required and we assist the child when they are ready.
Some fun units the 2’s work on are Nursery Rhymes, Shapes and Colors.
Regular class time is 9:30 to 12. A longer day, till 1:30 is optional.

Thriving Three’s

Now that these students are well adjusted to school, we begin focusing on their fine motor and social skills. Circle times are geared towards sharing ideas – encouraging students to think and build upon what they already know. Every project that the children work on is designed to strengthen their fine motor skills in fun and creative ways. This is preparation for the writing they will begin to do in the 4 year old program.
Fun units the children work on include: Me & Family, Community Helpers and The Beach.
Children can attend half day – 9:30 to 12 or a mini day – 9:30 to 1:30.


Our oldest students, our 4 year old’s have come a long way since beginning in the 2’s. They continue to work on fine motor skills to strengthen their fingers for the new challenge of writing! At this level the children begin learning their letters – how they sound and how to manipulate different sounds together. A letter each week is introduced, with projects designed to enhance the children’s understanding of the letter, as well as a show and share based on the letter. The children also begin working more deeply with numbers – counting, calendar skills and charting all further the understanding of what our numbers mean. Number and letter books are ongoing projects for the year, as well as a letter journal. Social skills, in addition to independence are encouraged to prepare the children for the challenge of Kindergarten. Science, social studies, and physical education round out this wonderful and exciting program.  Some fun units the 4’s work on are: color mixing, the 5 senses, ice and Israel.
Students may attend 3 days or 4 days, both are 9:30 to 2:30. The 4th day of class is enrichment known as Tuesday Tales.